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Seven spices healthy aging struggling

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You can limit the consumption of drugs with your progress in life by eating the spice in your kitchen , spices have healing properties as large as the treatment of Type II diabetes . The spice has a reason to save the lives of many patients, there are many commercial medicines in pharmacies take effective materials of spices . Here's a list of the best spices health .
1 - Coriander

Coriander dealing with excessive worry and help to quiet sleep , also helps to reduce the resistance to the body's cells to insulin in patients with Type II diabetes. A study published in the medical world in 2011 that regulates the level of coriander , sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
2 - Turmeric

Turmeric contains a substance curcumin in curry and has promising results in the fight against cancer cells . Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and all the studies suggest that turmeric prevents cancer cells from spreading and activity .
3 - black pepper

Black pepper spice of months deployed in various parts of the world and to medical studies suggest that black pepper has the effect of anti- osteoporosis. Black pepper is rich in copper , which is an important element for bone health and formation of red blood cells , copper deficiency in the body may cause problems in the thyroid gland and cardiac arrhythmias .
4 - cinnamon

Cinnamon is important for Type II diabetics because it reduces the level of sugar in the blood by 10 % and reduce the resistance of cells to insulin. Cinnamon also helps to regulate blood pressure .
5 - cardamoms

Cardamoms Assistant to digest and handling bloating and stomach cramps also stimulates the secretion of bile .
6 - cloves

Clove is used since ancient times to treat the pain of the teeth as it regulates the level of sugar in the blood. Carnations and a good source of magnesium , which is an important element for building tissues and bones and magnesium deficiency displays of human arthritis .
7 - Ginger

Ginger has many health benefits including that it acts as an anti -emetic in cases of seasickness or chemotherapy for cancer patients , ginger treats migraine and anti-inflammatory .
Add spice to your recipes prior to impart flavor and enhance your health and the health of your family.

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