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Wild thyme

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Scientific name : Satureja Montana is the herb of love and desire, is used as an aphrodisiac , a cure for gout , rheumatism , epilepsy , and delayed onset of menstruation .
Thyme or wild thyme , and said to him Alandg , Persian thyme , oregano tile , Azaaaithamana in some areas of the Levant .
There are two kinds of it first summer and winter , both sexual tonic for men , thyme has been found in the tomb of Tutankhamun , since the era of ancient Egyptian civilization .

Plant Description :
Wild thyme , aromatic perennial shrub of many branches of the clothing above the ground to about 30 cm .
Leaves sprout from a small longitudinal leg flowers and pink , purple or white blooms mid-summer .
Frequently in general in countries of the Mediterranean basin , such as Syria and Palestine, and Green Mountain in Libya .
Parts used :
Securities and Tellouk new plant either green or dried , the seeds wrapped special use .
How to use:
• in the form of tea leaves to boil for a minute and then leave to cool and drink 2-3 times a day .
• In addition to the thyme grown in order to strengthen the taste and flavor . • in the form of pigments used under medical supervision .
• in the form of oil is used medically in the food industry.
• in the form of perfume used by the principles of aromatherapy - Allarroma Therapy -
Medical benefits of wild thyme :
* Using Kmqoa sexy men drinking it in the form of tea or Baghlia with the ring and rub down the back of this mix.
* Excellent treatment of colds and respiratory problems where he works to soften the mucus making it easier to expel him popular abroad as soothes bronchial and Alotfha , and also contains substances that have property analgesic and antiseptic and stimulant for blood circulation .
* General thyme activates all the functions of anti- poisoning , and facilitates the secretion of sweat, urine and generates so keeps the body young .
* Is used as a treatment for cases of gout , paralysis, rheumatism , and kidney stones , and cases of acute or chronic diarrhea , and vaginal secretions , and the delayed onset of menstruation .
* Works to remove the causes of the gases in the digestive tract , stomach and intestines , and if taken with vinegar increased effect on the expulsion of gases .
* Increases the appetite to eat it contains a substance thymol , which works to kill microbes and expel parasites from the stomach as well as material Rvkrol an analgesic and antiseptic and expelling phlegm and anti- bleeding and diarrhea , an anthelmintic scientific experiments have shown that thyme oil kills the amoeba causing Desagntarya in a short period and Lebed colon bacteria .
* Chew benefit in toothache and gum infections , especially if boiled with cloves in water , rinsing it was a lukewarm , and enters as well as thyme in toothpastes It cleanses the mouth and chew dwell dental pain .
* Used externally to disinfect wounds foetidus a wonderful to get rid of chronic inflammation on the skin *
* Is used to treat inflammation of the facial nerve - the nerve VII - work pillow stuffed with a mixture of dry thyme , chamomile , and a plant of the millennium, and placed the pillow on those places injury. Also you should drink 2 cup of thyme tea every day until the situation improves , and then can continue to do so .
* Is a good remedy for cases of epileptic seizures . Eating 2 to 3 cups of thyme tea every day for three weeks , followed by ten days of rest and over the year it is useful in the treatment of epilepsy and reduce recurrence.
* Alarm memory , especially when school students and researchers.
Note: The wild thyme hypertext Holding so prefer olive oil to take him to prevent him from events of constipation.

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