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Seven Recipes household are easy to treat diseases

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Of course there is a medical treatment for most of the offset of the disease , but there are also many recipes that treat diseases , a simple, easy and effective and can be manufactured at home , here's some of these recipes .
1 - the treatment of sore throat

If you feel pain when you wake up in the morning right with difficulty in swallowing , you have to eat a spoonful of honey and natural trace spoon of apple cider vinegar and this recipe effective in the treatment and removal of inflamed throat pain .
2 - acne and skin color not to unite

You can use radish color uniformity and to whiten skin color as well as help in the treatment of acne , only my radish slices for 5 minutes on your face and then rinse with water.
3 - Treatment of dry skin

Tired of use moisturizers on your skin is still dry your skin look dry and cumbersome ? Mayonnaise will make use freshness dating back to the skin , mayonnaise contains soy oil is very useful for the skin , a national paint a layer of mayonnaise on your skin and leave for 30 minutes and then wash with water.
4 - muscle pain

Blue cheese treats muscle pain by addressing inflammation in muscle tissue and this reduces pain national rubbing cheese on the painful parts and leave for 20 minutes and then wash with water.
5 - Hair Care

Hair pale and dry , you can massage your scalp and hair with warm olive oil and wait for 30 minutes and then wash and Sttfajin wonderful result .
6 - get rid of the Bulge

When you want to get rid of swelling in the central region , you eat the lemon juice , who works as a diuretic and can save you from excess water in the body and helps in getting rid of bloating.
7 - teeth whitening

Apple cider vinegar removes all tints and colors of the teeth also kill bacteria and fungi in the mouth to 
prevent the formation of lime . You can use apple cider vinegar Kgergerh am daily .

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Recipes household quick to treat allergic rhinitis and itchy skin
Recipes simple home to take care of your beauty
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