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Seven Spices and herbs helps to fight cancer

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Cancer unknown source , but there are many theories about how growing up , and there are also many tips to avoid its occurrence . I have come to you in this article is a list of spices that may help fight cancer .

1 - Ginger

Ginger spice that is used in folk medicine of long periods of cold treatment to cure constipation . And used fresh or dried , no difference between the use of fresh ginger powder in most recipes in spite of the difference in smell between them . Ginger helps eliminate cancer by adding to it works as an anti -emetic after exposure to cancer treatments that cause vomiting .

2 - rosemary

Rosemary is an herb that grows in Mediterranean countries is a good source of antioxidants . The rosemary is used extensively in the Italian food recipes , you can use the mountain AKEL to put flavor to soups and tomato sauce , and bread. As used rosemary in the meat and poultry seasoning . Rosemary is helpful in eliminating most of the gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea and change the taste of the mouth , indigestion , bloating and loss of appetite .

3 - Curry

Curry belongs to the ginger family and this has a distinctive smell , and curry has anti-oxidant properties and anti-inflammatory , and that's what makes it helps in the fight against cancer. Many studies have demonstrated the ability of curry to eliminate cancer cells but still experiments on animals was not sure the results to humans after flatly .

4 - chili

Chili Alcabcisan contains a substance that reduces pain , one of the anti -inflammatory and is used to make plaster back that removes the pain , and this is not meant fat chili pepper skin because it may affect the skin burns . You use medical image available in the markets , chili struggling as there are cancer study confirms that it helps to treat indigestion .

5 - Garlic

Garlic contains a high amount of sulfur and metals , all beneficial to health , and characteristic smell of garlic back to the active substances contained in the show if they were chopping garlic or Faramh . And medical studies have proven that eating garlic reduces the risk of cancer of the stomach , colon, esophagus , pancreas, as well as breast cancer . Garlic is struggling through cancer that has anti-bacterial properties , and works on DNA repair your cells and helps to rid the body of toxins , strengthens the immune system and reduces high blood pressure.

6 - Mint

Peppermint helps digestion and antispasmodic and prevents diarrhea as it reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome because it relaxes the muscles of the intestine and increases the secretion of bile . Cup of mint will help to eliminate the fluctuations in the stomach after eating cancer drugs , mint calms inflammation and soothes the throat ulcers that occur in the mouth as a result of cancer drugs that peppermint helps to fight cancer.

7 - Chamomile

Chamomile has therapeutic uses in folk medicine since ancient times , it is calming and helps sleep , soothes ulcers of the mouth and gums caused by cancer treatment , chamomile treats gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach and intestinal cramps .

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