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Health benefits and therapeutic Marjoram

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Marjoram is a aromatic herbs of the mint family , which originated in Egypt and Saudi Arabia . Marjoram is also known as the Oregano . Marjoram is grown in gardens all over the world because of its medical benefits and therapeutic and aesthetic multiple . Marjoram can be used in various forms such as oil or marjoram leaves , fresh or dried , or in the form of powder in cooking to add a wonderful flavor .

1 - nutritional benefits of Marjoram :

Marjoram contains many of the nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A , calcium and iron .

2 - Marjoram benefits for the digestive system :

Marjoram is working on improving the performance of the digestive system helps in the digestion process well by increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes .
It also improves the appetite and relieve nausea and helps eliminate flatulence and reduce gas and soothes the stomach cramps and painful contractions and treats diarrhea and laxative works excellent in cases of chronic constipation .

3 - preventive benefits of Marjoram :

 Marjoram is an excellent disinfectant , where he works as an antidote to the bacteria , fungi and viruses , so it can be used for the prevention of many common diseases , such as:
Food poisoning.
Tetanus infection in wounds .
Typhoid fever .
Malaria .
Influenza .
Colds .
Mumps .

4 - emotional and neurological benefits of Marjoram :

Marjoram contains many tranquilizers and antidepressants so natural when taken as a drink to warm it works :
Relieve insomnia and anxiety.
Reducing stress .
Enhance sexual desire .
Anti -depressant .

5 - Marjoram benefits for the heart and blood vessels :

Tonic to the heart muscle.
Improve the performance of the circulatory system .
Lowering blood pressure ( patients can use high-pressure Marjoram Kkhavd normal blood pressure ) .
Reduce cholesterol .
Reduction of atherosclerosis .
The reduction of heart disease and heart attacks .

6 - other health benefits :

Anti -inflammatory .
Analgesic for migraine headaches resulting from sinusitis .
Soothing cough .
Regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the pain .
Here are some ways of how to use Marjoram :

1 - Marjoram is added to boiling water or tea and drink warm.
2 - Add the coriander powder during cooking to get the full flavor of a strong and wonderful foods.
3 - Kdhan Marjoram oil is used to treat muscle spasms and migraine headaches , fever, body ache and            dental pain .

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