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Uses different aesthetic of lavender oil

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Uses different aesthetic of lavender oil

Oil is not only one of the best natural products for skin care , but also have many uses aesthetic awe-inspiring. For example , lavender oil from oils commonly used in many aesthetics , also features a distinctive grainy smell of many.

You know to 5 different aesthetic uses of lavender oil

1 - Skin Care

Lavender oil is an antioxidant and inflammation. And also help to moisturize the skin and acne treatment as a result of fit on the properties of an effective anti-bacterial . Use a few drops of lavender oil on your skin to maintain moisture and combat the effects of premature aging .
2 - hair loss treatment

Lavender can be used to stop hair loss , has shown positive results in increasing the rate of hair growth when used in parametric tests . Use only the proper amount of lavender oil to massage the scalp 3 times during the week , and you'll notice on your own results when used regularly .

It can also be used to prepare the mix oils for the treatment of hair by mixing 3 drops of lavender oil 0.3 drops of oil, rosemary , Qtrtan of thyme oil , Qtrtan of cedar oil 0.4 teaspoons of grape seed oil , with ½ teaspoon of jojoba oil .

Preserves mixture into a sterile bottle sealed in dry place . Try to use oil mixture first on a small area of ​​the scalp , to avoid any sensitivity to your skin than any of the oils.
3 - to revitalize and moisturize hair

Use lavender oil on the hair corrugated after two or three days to keep the corrugations and rehabilitation . As well as helping to moisturize the hair and anti-dandruff .
4 - for the treatment of insomnia

Lavender tranquilizer helps to get a quiet sleep easily . Therefore, it is recommended as a natural remedy effective for the treatment of insomnia. Use a few drops of lavender oil on the bed or on the pillow to help you sleep quickly .
5 - to disinfect wounds and speed of recovery

Because of the anti-bacterial properties enjoyed by the lavender oil , can be used to disinfect wounds and speed healing . It also features as well as anti-inflammatory properties .

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